Automated trading journal and analytics

Find your edge by focusing on your trading process and analysis while automating the tedious part

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Automated trade journal integrated with

    • Binance
    • Bybit
    • Phemex

Automated trading journal

A better workflow

Let Tradojo do the tedious work for you by automatically importing your trading data using a secure, read-only API key. Gather insights from additional data generated by Tradojo.

Sync trades automatically.
Tradojo syncs all your trades automatically using a secure, read-only API key.
Enhanced insights.
Your trading data gets enriched with extra details and analytics, offering a more comprehensive understanding of your trade performance.
Encrypted read-only API key.
Your API key is encrypted and read-only, ensuring your data stays protected.
Automated trading journal screenshot

Dashboard and analytics

Actionable insights

Get an overview of your trading performance with KPIs and charts in your dashboard. Dig into your data to find and improve your edge.

Automatically generated analytics.
Tradojo does the hard work for you. It automatically calculates important metrics and turns them into easy-to-understand charts.
Drilled down reporting.
Filter and break down your reports to see what’s making you money and what’s not.
Personalized insights (coming soon).
Get personalized insights and advice tailored just for you, based on your own trading data and habits.
Analytics screenshot

Trading journal framework

A better way to journal trades

Discover smarter trading: label and analyze your moves, oversee multiple accounts effortlessly, and elevate strategies with in-depth planning and session insights.

Setups, mistakes, custom tags

Track trade setups, mistakes and custom tags. Discover patterns and optimize your trading execution and strategy.

Multiple accounts

Journal and analyze across multiple exchange accounts in one place. Evaluate your performance for each account or across all combined.

Plans, reviews, notes

Outline your thoughts and observations in plans, reviews and notes. Add custom tags, mistakes, and TradingView charts.


Journal and analyze your trading in sessions. Work on your trading routine and process.

Frequently asked questions

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, join our Discord or shoot us a DM on Twitter/X.

    • Which exchanges and assets are supported for automated trade sync?

      Automated trade sync is supported for (linear) Binance Futures, Bybit Futures, Phemex Futures, with more integrations coming soon.

    • How can I request an integration of an exchange or broker?

      Send us a DM on Twitter, Discord, or get in contact via the live chat in the bottom right corner.

    • What data does Tradojo sync?

      Tradojo syncs orders, executions, and funding payments from exchanges via a secure, read-only API key. The raw data gets enriched with additional information generated by Tradojo and gathered from other sources.

    • What does "Tradojo" stand for?

      In Japanese culture a "dōjō" is a place for immersive learning or meditation. Tradojo is your trading dōjō - the place for immersive learning when it comes to your trading.

    • How do you handle privacy and security?

      Privacy and security are part of our DNA and that’s how we designed Tradojo from the start. We don’t ask or store any personally identifiable information (PII) other than your email address for authentication & communication, and read-only API keys to import the trading data. The API keys are encrypted and have read-only permissions.

    • How can I test Tradojo?

      Start a 14-day trial with all features included. No credit card required.

Boost your return.
Start using Tradojo today.

It’s time to take a systematic and data-based approach to trading. Stop typing in manually all the data, and start improving your trading process and system.

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